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Date Range Filter Setup

Setup of report parameters for filtering by date might be a bit tricky, especially in case of timestamp fields because they cannot be filtered with simple equality comparison with a some date value. Let's discover how to do setup report parameters for typical cases.

Start Date + End Date

This is simplest case when date range is specified with 2 separate user-entered report parameters:

Data range filter with start-end parameters

Application of these parameters in the data source query is rather trivial:

Select Query
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE 1=1 @start_date[ and date_column >= {0} ] @end_date[ and date_column < {0} ]
Filter JSON
{ $and: [ 
  @start_date[ {{ "date_field" : {{ $gte: ISODate( {0} ) }}  }}, ] 
  @end_date[ {{ "date_field" : {{ $lt: ISODate( {0} ) }}  }}, ] 
] }
Filter Expression
 "1"="1" @start_date[ and "date_fld":field>="{0}":var ]  @end_date[ and "date_fld":field<"{0}":var ] 
MDX Query Tokens

Ensure that your MDX template uses @CUBE token which is defined like this:

SelectFromCube("YOUR_CUBE_NAME").Range("[Date].[Date]", date_start, date_end)

You may notice that start_date is inclusive (meaning is "starting from this date"), and end_date is exclusive (meaning is "everything before this date"); this guarantees correct filtering if dates have non-zero time part. If you want to make end_date inclusive you can specify the following Expression in the parameter configuration: Parameter["end_date"]!=null ? Parameter["end_date"].AddDays(1) : null.

Important: if your dates are stored as numbers (UNIX timestamp in seconds or milliseconds) your DateTime parameters should be converted to numbers with help of expressions.

Exact Date

In some cases you might want to filter report data by exact date. For database 'Date' column (field) application of the date filter parameter is trivial, however in case of timestamps you'll need to introduce additional (hidden) parameter that calculates 'next day date':

Data range filter for exact-date

Expression for this parameter should be: Parameter["exact_date"]!=null ? Parameter["exact_date"].AddDays(1) : null. Application of these parameters in the data source query is exactly the same as in case of start/end parameters (described above) where exact_date corresponds to start date, and exact_date_next_day is an end date respectively.

Pre-configured date ranges like today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days etc

Another typical case for operational reports is filtering by custom pre-defined date ranges. For this purpose you need to configure the following report parameters:

Filtering on UNIX timestamps

To convert DateTime-type report parameters to numbers use the following expressions:

Timezone offset handling

SeekTable doesn't handle timezones automatically on its side; this means that unmodified Date/Time value is used in the data query condition. From this perspective, the following situations are possible:

Many timezones have daylight saving time shift, and if you don't want to change the constant in expressions twice per year you can use Date.TimezoneUtcOffsetHours("linux_timezone_name") function (see list of TZ names). For example, Date.TimezoneUtcOffsetHours("CET") returns 2 in daylight saving period and 1 otherwise.